Friday, January 5, 2018

August 3, 2017: Side Trip to Petra and Bedouin Camp

August 3, 2017: Side Trip to Petra and Bedouin Camp

Play time!  We took a side trip to Jordan, where we visited Petra and Wadi Rum (next post) and stayed the night in a Bedouin camp.

Images copyright Casondra Sobieralski. Contact for image use permissions.


"Inhabited since prehistoric times, this Nabataean caravan-city, situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, was an important crossroads between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Petra is half-built, half-carved into the rock, and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. It is one of the world's most famous archaeological sites, where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture."

Click any image for a larger view.

the famous Treasury

The geology looks like dripping ice cream. 

More funky rock.

Treasury again, on the way out of the valley:

Nearby Bedouin Camp

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