Sunday, November 23, 2014

October 25, 2014: Big Sur with Julie 

All images copyright Casondra Sobieralski

I was going to completely scrap all but 2 of my Big Sur photos from this year.  They all seemed so terrible.  "How can I go to one of the most beautiful,  e x p a n s i v e  places on Earth and take such crappy pictures? How can I go to a place so full of super special memories of joy and growth and take such sharp, jagged, tense, trapped-feeling, sad images?" I wondered. 

But then I thought about how terrible I FELT that day.  And I started to see how I felt INSIDE was really coming through in my pictures.  

So maybe, just maybe, instead of creating beautiful images, I actually created Art that day.  Like, self expression despite my Self. 

As an experiment, I offer these "terrible photographs" up for you to decide, and I added some titles to shade them.  

When Condors Are Out, the Condors Like It Here  [the EMI Records House]

This is Not a Condor

The Edge of Something 




Dividing Line


An Angel Once Stood Here

Where Did the Key Go?

Condor Rock Protected a Treasure, 15-32-45

Good Night Condor

The End, Rest in Peace

October 11, 2014: Moss Beach Tide Pools (near Pacifica) with Julie 

We got a late start and had literally 5 minutes at this tide pool. But here is a momento...

October 5, 2014: Ohlone Gathering in Coyote Hills East Bay Regional Park, Fremont with Kelly, Angela & Leticia

On this day it became blazingly obvious to me that I am better at photographing  still things rather than moving people... 

These are photographs of traditional Ohlone dances.

We got to try acorn mush, a staple for California Indians.  I really liked it.  It tasted like a nutty Farina cereal, as I mentioned in an earlier post about Indian Grinding Rock State Park. 

September 13, 2014: Pleasanton Ridge East Bay Regional Park, Fremont with Julie & Kelly

All images copyright Casondra Sobieralski

A short hike on a very hot day.  Kelly had to leave earlier because her skin was starting to fry.  

September 9, 2014: Harley Goat Farm in Pescadero and Bean Hollow State Beach with Julie

all images copyright Casondra Sobieralski

Got Goats?

Julie with goat, for scale.  this goat was just EIGHT WEEKS OLD!  :)

Bean Hollow State Beach

There were lots of seals playing at the shore.  

Click to enlarge, see the seal heads bobbing...