Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Henry Cowell State Park with Eric, Felton, CA (Santa Cruz Mountains), July 3, 2022

As noted on the prior post, my Santa Fe Striders friend Eric came to visit from New Mexico.  After trail running hiking, and wildlife spotting in Berkeley and Marin, we did more trail running in Santa Cruz and played at Henry Cowell State Park in Felton.  HCSP is known for redwood trees, which were on Eric's must-see list.  However, I have prior posts on this blog focusing on the redwoods.  For fun here are some cell phone pictures (not as high quality as my DSLR) of the little old time train station in the park, and pictures from along the San Lorenzo River trail.

Perhaps most fun of all is this short video clip (again just from my phone) that I call "Nesferatu of the Redwoods."  The lighting was just right for a spooky forest film!
(Nesferatu is a 1922 German Expressionist vampyre film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMl6hUZHBqY

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