July 26, 2014, New Moon in Leo: Sun Sets Over the Fog, from Skyline Boulevard, Oakland, California
all images copyright Casondra Sobieralski
I caught a magic moment on the ridge above my house, still while exploring the concept of "Home" for my series: A stunning sunset with a BIG BANK o' FOG rolling in. --a truly Bay Area phenomenon, a phenomenon of "home".
I was really excited with how these photos turned out because, if you, dear audience, remember from back in January 2014, sunsets are what finally pushed me to get a DSLR. I was so unsatisfied with the limited color range and limited dynamic range of my PowerShot when it came to sunsets. Though I love that little point-and-shoot for its low light capability, its zoom, and its portability, what I was capturing with that tiny sensor was nothing like what I was seeing when it came to the subtleties of things like sunsets.
But here, the capabilities of my DSLR are really shine! :) These are straight from my camera, no filters and no Photoshop.
Reminder, you can click on these to make them bigger to see details.